Leftover Acrylic Paint Textured Backgrounds

Do you have leftover paint from a project that you don’t want to waste? These textured backgrounds are easy, so much fun and uses leftover paint that would normally be wasted! I had over 30 paint palettes with random amounts and color leftover from our still life unit. Students love picking out the dried acrylic molds (blows their mind) but I hated the thought of … Continue reading Leftover Acrylic Paint Textured Backgrounds

Full lesson plan and complete video tutorials! Great for teaching beginners how to use acrylic paint.

Monochromatic Night Landscape Painting

This video will walk your students through every step. There are also some of my older videos linked that break that steps up. I used to be scared to give acrylic paint to my 5th graders. ACRYLIC PAINT STAINS FOREVER would flash through my mind any time I imagined my youngest artists. They still fall out of their chairs! They still rocket puke without warning! … Continue reading Monochromatic Night Landscape Painting